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  • PSA: Yes, 64-byte key file is okay

    In an earlier entry I’ve changed generated key file used for disk encryption from 4096 to meagre 64 bytes. I gave no mention of that adjustment considering it unimportant but have since been enquired about security of such a short password.

    Rest assured, a 64-byte key file is sufficient for any symmetric encryption (disk encryption being one example) and anything more does not improve security.

    Go: string[]byte

    Yes… I’ve started coding in Go recently. It lacks many things but the one feature relevant to this post is const keyword. Arrays and slices in particular are always mutable and so equivalent of C’s const char * does not exist.

    On the other hand, strings are immutable which means that conversion between a string and []byte requires memory allocation and copying of the data1. Often this might be acceptable but to squeeze every last cycle the following two functions might help achieve zero-copy implementation:

    func String(bytes []byte) string {
    	hdr := *(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
    	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&reflect.StringHeader{
    		Data: hdr.Data,
    		Len:  hdr.Len,
    func Bytes(str string) []byte {
    	hdr := *(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&str))
    	return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&reflect.SliceHeader{
    		Data: hdr.Data,
    		Len:  hdr.Len,
    		Cap:  hdr.Len,

    Depending on the length of the strings, the difference in performance might be noticeable:

    PSA: Creating world-unreadable files

    I’ve been reading tutorials on using key-files for disk encryption. Common approach for generating such files is to create it using something similar to head -c 4096 /dev/urandom >key-file and only then change it’s permissions (usually with a plain chmod 400 key-file) to prevent others from reading it.

    Please, stop doing this and spreading that method. The correct way of achieving the effect is:

    (umask 077; head -c 64 /dev/random >key-file)

    Or if the file needs to be created as root while command is run by a different user:

    sudo sh -c 'umask 077; head -c 64 /dev/random >key-file'

    The first method creates the file as world-readable1 and before its permission are changed anyone can read it. The second method creates the file as readable only by its owner from the beginning thus preventing the secret disclosure.