The time has come to stand up for the GPL
- Posted by Michał ‘mina86’ Nazarewicz on 11th of March 2015
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For people who know me it should come with no surprise that I support free software in most forms it can take. I also believe that if someone gives you something at zero price, basic courtesy dictates that you follow wishes of that person. This is why when Software Freedom Conservancy started a GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers I didn’t hesitate even for a minute to offer little Linux copyright I held to help the effort.
Most importantly though, it is why I fully support Conservancy in taking legal action against VMware which for years has been out of compliance with Linux’s license.
If you care about free software, the GPL or want more projects like OpenWrt, consider donating to help Christoph Hellwig and the Conservancy with their legal battle against this multi-billion-dollar corporation who for some reason decided to free-ride on other people’s work without respecting their wishes.
If you can’t or don’t want to donate, twitting something along the lines of ‘Play by the rules, @VMware. I defend the #GPL with Christoph & @Conservancy. #DTRTvmware Help at
’ or otherwise spreading the word will help as well. Oh, and in case you were, like I was, wondering — DTRT stands for ‘do the right thing’.
And if you want to know more: