Posted by Michał ‘mina86’ Nazarewicz on 25th of October 2015
There are a lot of misconceptions about Unicode. Most are there because people assume what they know about ASCII or ISO-8859-* is true about Unicode. They are usually harmless but they tend to creep into minds of people who work with text which leads to badly designed software and technical decisions made based on false information.
Without further ado, here’s a few facts about Unicode that might surprise you.
Posted by Michał ‘mina86’ Nazarewicz on 28th of September 2015
There are multiple ways to customise Bash prompt. There’s no need to look for long to find plethora of examples with fancy, colourful PS1s. What have been a bit problematic is having text on the right of the input line. In this article I’ll try to address that shortcoming.
Getting text on the right
The typical approach is using PROMPT_COMMAND to output desired content. The variable specifies a shell code Bash executes prior to rendering the primary prompt (i.e. PS1).
The idea is to align text to the right and then using carrier return move the cursor back to the beginning of the line where Bash will start rendering its prompt. Let’s look at an example of showing time in various locations:
__command_rprompt() {
local times= n=$COLUMNS tz
for tz in ZRH:Europe/Zurich PIT:US/Eastern \
MTV:US/Pacific TOK:Asia/Tokyo; do
[ $n -gt 40 ] || break
times="$times ${tz%%:*}\e[30;1m:\e[0;36;1m"
times="$times$(TZ=${tz#*:} date +%H:%M)\e[0m"
n=$(( $n - 10 ))
[ -z "$times" ] || printf "%${n}s$times\\r" ''
Clearing the line on execution
It has one annoying issue. The right text reminds on screen even after executing a command. Typically this is a matter of aesthetic but it also makes copying and pasting session history more convoluted.
A manual solution is to use redraw-current-line readline function (e.g. often bound to C-l). It clears the line and prints the prompt and whatever input has been entered thus far. PROMPT_COMMAND is not executed so the right text does not reappear.
Lack of automation can be addressed with a tiny bit of readline magic and a ~/.inputrc file which deserves much more fame than what it usually gets.
Tricky part is bindind C-m and C-j to two readline functions, redraw-current-line followed by accept-line, which is normally not possible. This limitation can be overcome by binding the key sequences to a different sequence which will be interpreted recursively.
Posted by Michał ‘mina86’ Nazarewicz on 17th of March 2015
A few days ago I received an email from Google Wembaster Tools saying no more no less but: ‘Your webpage sucks on mobile devices!’ Or something. Now that I think of it, I could have been worded slightly differently. The gist was the same though.
I never paid that much attention to how my site looks on phones and tables. I’ve made sure it loaded and looked, but apart from that never spent much time on the issue. I always thought optimising for a small screen would be a lengthy and painful process. How mistaken I was!
In my defence, when I last looked at the problem, state of mobile browsers was different; now there are two things to do. First, add a viewport meta tag, e.g.:
and then use min-width or max-width CSS media queries. Admittedly the second part may take some time, but if your layout uses simple markup rather than being TABLE-based, reading the excellent article on A List Apart might turn out to be the most time consuming step.
If you haven’t already, do take a look at whether your website looks reasonably well on small screens. Apparently mobile is the future, or some such.
The ‘bad’ news is that I’ve dropped endless scroll feature. This is because in narrow layout the sidebar moves to the bottom and endless scrolling would make it unreachable since it would run away all the time.
Posted by Michał ‘mina86’ Nazarewicz on 11th of March 2015
For people who know me it should come with no surprise that I support free software in most forms it can take. I also believe that if someone gives you something at zero price, basic courtesy dictates that you follow wishes of that person. This is why when Software Freedom Conservancy started a GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers I didn’t hesitate even for a minute to offer little Linux copyright I held to help the effort.
Most importantly though, it is why I fully support Conservancy in taking legal action against VMware which for years has been out of compliance with Linux’s license.
If you care about free software, the GPL or want more projects like OpenWrt, consider donating to help Christoph Hellwig and the Conservancy with their legal battle against this multi-billion-dollar corporation who for some reason decided to free-ride on other people’s work without respecting their wishes.
If you can’t or don’t want to donate, twitting something along the lines of ‘Play by the rules, @VMware. I defend the #GPL with Christoph & @Conservancy. #DTRTvmware Help at’ or otherwise spreading the word will help as well. Oh, and in case you were, like I was, wondering — DTRT stands for ‘do the right thing’.